The Hotel Andros offers 60 comfortable, air-conditioned rooms featuring satellite TV, room service, and international direct-dial fax and phone service. Wi-Fi wireless internet is available throughout the hotel. Private parking and 24-hour security help make your stay calm as well as comfortable.


Our bar, restaurant, and conference rooms are dramatically located on the rooftop level to afford our guests a breathtaking panoramic view of the Bahía de Limón.


HOTSPOT Wi-Fi wireless internet service is available throughout the hotel. With our super-efficient system you can connect with the world in no time.
Ave. Herrera, entre Calles 9 y 10    
Apartado 0301-01046 Colón, República de Panamá    
Tels.: 441-0477 Fax: 441-7921   
skype contact: hotelandros_1   

Fuerte San Lorenzo
Fuerte San Lorenzo / Fort San Lorenzo
Located at the mouth of the Chagres River, Fort San Lorenzo is an historic gem left behind by the Spaniards.

Zona Libre de Colón
The Colón Free Zone is the largest merchandise distribution center for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Isla Grande
Isla Grande
Perfect for a day trip from Colón. Take the Costa Arriba bus past Portobelo and get off at the town of La Guaira. At La Guaira you can take a boat to the beaches and mangroves of Isla Grande, only a few hundred yards from the shore.



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